Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy


QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC (hereinafter, “We,” “Our,” or “Us”), is committed to protecting the privacy of its Users (as defined herein below). This Website and/or Mobile Application Privacy Policy (hereinafter, “Privacy Policy”) outlines what information QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, collects from its Users through WWW.QUICKSYLEARNING.COM (the “Website” “Site” or “Mobile Application”) and how that information is used. QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, will only keep Users’ information, which they submit through the Website and/or Mobile Application for internal use. If any provision of this Privacy Policy conflicts with one or more provisions of Website Terms of Use, the provisions of Website and/or Mobile Application Terms of Use shall control. IF USER DOES NOT ACCEPT THIS PRIVACY POLICY (INCLUDING ANY UPDATED TERMS HERETO) OR DOES NOT MEET OR COMPLY WITH THESE PROVISIONS, THEN USER MAY NOT USE THIS WEBSITE AND/OR MOBILE APPLICATION. WEBSITE AND/OR MOBILE APPLICATION TERMS OF USE IS INCORPORATED HEREIN BY REFERENCE AND USER BY USING THE WEBSITE HEREBY AGREES THAT USER SHALL COMPLY WITH WEBSITE AND.OR MOBILE APPLICATION TERMS OF USE AND PRIVACY POLICY. PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THE WEBSITE AND/OR MOBILE APPLICATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO RELEASE SUCH INFORMATION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT OR OTHER GOVERNMENTAL OFFICIALS AS, AT THE WEBSITE AND/OR MOBILE APPLICATION’S SOLE AND ABSOLUTE DISCRETION, IT IS DEEMED NECESSARY TO COMPLY WITH THE LAW.


QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, reserves the right to revise, change, amend, alter or modify (hereinafter, “Update”) this Privacy Policy and its other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner. The User, as defined below, is responsible for periodically checking for any Updates of this Privacy Policy by revisiting the Website and/or Mobile Application and using the “refresh” button on the User’s browser. Any Updates supersede any prior versions immediately upon posting on the Website and/or Mobile Application. Using the Website and/or Mobile Application after any such Update or changes to the Privacy Policy shall constitute consent to changed terms or practices.


The information which QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, collects through the Website and/or Mobile Application may include Personal Information (hereinafter the “Personal Information”) which refers to information that helps it identify users or viewers of the Website and/or Mobile Application (collectively, “Users” and each a “User” or “you” and shall refer to Subscriber or Registered User as defined in Website and/or Mobile Application Terms of Use). The Personal Information includes data such as a User’s name, street address, phone number, facsimile number, email address, username and password. Users are responsible for keeping all Personal Information current and may change any previously entered information through the Website and/or Mobile Application in the manner set forth below. QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may utilize Personal Information, without limitation, for the following purposes:

  • establishing and verifying user identities;
  • opening, maintaining, administering and servicing Registered User (as defined below) accounts;
  • processing, servicing or enforcing transactions and sending communications relating to the Website and/or Mobile Application;
  • providing User support in connection with User-use of the Website and/or Mobile Application;
  • providing service updates for the Website and/or Mobile Application;
  • providing promotional notices and offers and other QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, information;
  • responding to User-posed inquiries and comments;
  • maintaining the security of the Website and/or Mobile Application and QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC-systems; and
  • evaluating Use of the Website and/or Mobile Application for potential improvements and otherwise.

The Website and/or Mobile Application may also collect data that cannot be traced back to a specific individual (hereinafter the “Anonymous Information”). For example, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may be able to keep count of how many Users have viewed the Website and/or Mobile Application and specific content therein, or key words utilized to find the Website and/or Mobile Application, but this information does not necessarily include information regarding Users’ names, street addresses, phone numbers or email addresses. Users who view the Website and/or Mobile Application but do not enter their Personal Information are generally anonymous Users. Only Anonymous Information and no Personal Information will be intentionally collected by QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, from anonymous Users. The Website and/or Mobile Application may use browser cookies to collect Anonymous Information. The Website and/or Mobile Application may also incorporate web beacons or similar tracking technologies to allow QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, to track how the Website and/or Mobile Application is used. Such technologies are used to collect Anonymous Information, e.g. the name of the User’s internet service provider, the IP address of the User’s computer, User’s browser software and operating system, the identity of any linked-form or linked-to website and/or Mobile Application and other similar information. Furthermore, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may, either directly or through a third party, track Users’ conduct on the Website and/or Mobile Application, including, without limitation, areas of the Website and/or Mobile Application visited, topic(s) viewed, most popular pages of the Website and/or Mobile Application, Users’ Internet connection type and browser use QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may combine a User’s Anonymous Information with similar information collected from other Users to help improve the Website and/or Mobile Application and services.

3.1 We disclaim any liability for disclosure of any Personal Information or non-Personal Information arising out of any of the following circumstances:

  • Disclosure to government (local, state, national, or international) agencies in response to legal processes, such as subpoenas or court order; or
  • Any unlawful or unauthorized access to and transmissions of Personal Information from this website and/or Mobile Application; or
  • Disclosure of any information by the User themselves on message boards, public forums, blogs, social networking websites, or any other online or offline media.

3.2 The use of some features of the Site and/or Mobile Application requires the User to register using a simple registration form. Through the form, Personal Information is collected and additionally Personal Information is collected at different stages and at different times of the Users use of this Site and/or Mobile Application. This Personal Information may include, but not limited to, the Users name, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC name, physical addresses, email address, telephone number, fax no., credit card information, etc. While collecting such Personal Information from the Users, we take great care and diligence in collecting only as much information as is absolutely vital to provide the User with efficient and timely services. All such Personal Information is kept confidential and never shared with, or sold to, or traded with, any third party without your explicit consent.

3.3 Some of the instances when we collect Personal Information from the Users of this website and/or Mobile Application include:

  • During registration process; or
  • While subscribing to our different products and/or features; or
  • While completing an online form to request information about our products and/or services.

3.4 Some of the uses of the Personal Information so collected by our website and/or Mobile Application include:

  • to allow the User to access special features reserved for our registered members; or
  • to provide the User the information requested from us; or
  •  to register the User for our seminars, forums, contests, and online chats; or
  • to contact the User when requested; or
  • to provide such information to our affiliates and partners (if any) under confidentiality agreement so that they may provide the User with offers and information about products or services the User might be interested in.

3.5 The User can always disallow us to contact the User regarding the latest offers, news, and updates, by opting out at the time or registration or by sending an email to WWW.QUICKSYLEARNING.COM.

3.6 Besides the above-mentioned Personal Information, some non-Personal Information may be collected when the User visits different pages of this Site and/or Mobile Application. Such non-Personal Information may include the type of browser the User used to access this website and/or Mobile Application, the operating system(s) installed on the User’s computer, internet protocol (ip) address of the User’s computer, ip address of the User’s internet service provider (isp), etc. This information is generally used to improve the layout and content of our website and/or Mobile Application, provide the User with customized advertisements, analyze the site-usage, dispense with the need to re-login every time the User visits the webpages of the Site and/or Mobile Application after logging in, and enhance the overall experience of using this website and/or Mobile Application. All such non-Personal Information is kept confidential and never shared with, or sold to, any third party.

3.7 Cookies are small text files that are placed on the Users hard disk by our secured servers. These cookies are used to collect non-Personal Information. Cookies help us in gathering information, like how the User uses our site and/or Mobile Application, how the User uses our services, types of data accessed, times and volume of use, duration of sessions and other similar usage. Our cookies are 100% safe, and do not, in any way, compromise the User’s privacy while the User is using our website and/or Mobile Application. A User can also disable the cookies by adjusting the internet browser preferences. However, we advise you to receive cookies sent by our website and/or Mobile Application. By visiting or using our Website and/or Mobile Application you consent to the placement of cookies in your browser in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

3.8 We accord maximum priority to the security of all the data we collect from the Users and/or Registered Users of this Site and/or Mobile Application. Therefore, we use the latest and most secure technologies prevalent in the industry and available in the market to protect the integrity of all the Personal Information or non-Personal Information collected during the course of your interaction with the Site and/or Mobile Application. Apart from several electronic and technical safeguards, we also employ certain physical and procedural safeguards in order to make the access to this sensitive data exclusive to the authorized personnel have access to this data. Notwithstanding any amount of steps and assurances we give, due to peculiar nature of the Web, no foolproof security from unauthorized access by hackers, crackers, or similar illegal means and personnel, can be guaranteed. Additionally, while processing online payments, we do not retain or intercept any credit card data which you submit through our secure servers. All such data is directly sent to the secured servers of the credit card companies through latest SSL encryption method for further processing.


A User may become a registered member of the Website and/or Mobile Application in accordance with the Website and Mobile Application Terms of Use (hereinafter the “Registered User”), in which case the User may be asked to provide certain Personal Information, including his name, address, telephone number, email address, a unique login name, password and password validation, and a password hint to help the User remember his password. This information is collected within the registration process, in order to allow for greater ease in the Registered User utilizing the Website or Mobile Application and its interactive features; to allow QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, and the Website and/or Mobile Application to identify the Registered User; and to allow QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC to contact the Registered User for customer service purposes and otherwise. In addition, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, requests Registered User’s email address to confirm new member registration and to enable email or other electronic communications to be made through the Website and/or Mobile Application. Moreover, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may utilize a Registered User’s email address to send updates, newsletters, news or other information regarding the Website and/or Mobile Application to the Registered User. In the event that Registered User no longer wishes to receive such emails, Registered User may “opt-out” by contacting QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, by sending an email at WWW.QUICKSYLEARNING.COM. The subject line of that communication should read: “DO NOT SEND ME NOTIFICATION EMAILS.” Registered Users may be providing more Personal Information than general Users to the Website and/or Mobile Application. By becoming a Registered User that User assumes all risk, and agrees to these terms with regard to any and all of the information that he submits vis-à-vis the Website and/or Mobile Application. Furthermore, the information set forth in the Registered User’s profile may be shared with others, and registration as a Registered User constitutes consent to sharing this information.


Users may post content, including, without limitation, on the Website and/or Mobile Application that may be made publicly available to other users and to the general public via the Website and/or Mobile Application. Users acknowledge and agree that any posted comments posted by User do not reflect the Website and/or Mobile Application or QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, Users acknowledge and agree that by posting or otherwise submitting such content on or to the Website and/or Mobile Application, User’s Personal Information, including his email address and any other information the User supplies may be visible to the third parties. User shall not share any information in his inquiry that he is not prepared to be public or to otherwise share with such other third parties. Further, Users may submit inquiries, comments or other content (collectively, an “Inquiry”) to QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, through the Website and/or Mobile Application. Users acknowledge and agree that by sending an Inquiry or otherwise posting communications to the Website and/or Mobile Application, a User’s Personal Information, including his email address and any other information the User supplies, may be visible to third parties. User shall not share any information in his Inquiry that he is not prepared to be public or to otherwise share with such other third parties. Moreover, User’s Inquiry may be available for review by QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, and/or other Users’ contractors and employees. Moreover, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC may from time to time, use third party email servers to send and track receipt of the Inquiries, and analyze the pattern of inquiry usage via these third party tracking systems. If a User is making an Inquiry or posting content for someone other than himself, in which another person’s Personal Information will be accessible or otherwise made available, User hereby makes the material representation and warranty upon which he wishes QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC to reasonably rely, that he has obtained each of those other individuals’ consent to disclose their personal information to QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, and other Users. All submissions of content, including without limitation, the posting of content to the Website and/or Mobile Application or the submission of an Inquiry, sent to QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, are accepted in accordance with, and governed by, the Website and/or Mobile Application Terms of Use. Moreover, User acknowledges and agrees that this Privacy Policy does not apply to content, business information, pictures, ideas, concepts or inventions that User sends to QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC(collectively, “Submitted Property”). User acknowledges and agrees that all Submitted Property becomes the property of QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, immediately upon its receipt of the same, unless QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, elects not to take ownership of said property. QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may then utilize, distribute or otherwise disseminate the Submitted Property as it wishes in its sole discretion. As it relates to intellectual property rights relating to the same, User hereby assigns and conveys all rights he may have to such submitted property and ideas. If User seeks to keep such information or property private or proprietary, he should not send such information to QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC


The Website and/or Mobile Application may include advertisements from third-party companies which may include links to third-party websites. The advertisements placed by these companies, or other listings of other Users are not affiliated, owned, maintained or updated by QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC If User visits the website of these third-party advertisers, or otherwise submits information to any other User, they may use cookies and/or request and collect User’s Personal Information. Quicksy LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, does not know of the policies of these independent third-party advertisers, including without limitation, other Users, and is not responsible for the information collected or how the information is used by any third-party advertisers, including without limitation, other Users. QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, also cannot confirm or in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information provided by those third-party advertisers on their websites. QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, strongly recommends that User reads and reviews the privacy policies of any other third-party websites that it may view. This Website and/or Mobile Application may contain links to third party websites of promoters, advertisers, affiliates, partners, agents, etc. However, We do not draft, review, control or monitor the privacy practices of such third party websites. Should the User choose to visit these linked websites, the User’s visit and/or use of such linked websites shall be subject to the privacy policies of such third party websites. We strongly advise you to review the legal documents of such linked websites before entering into any transaction.


Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, will not intentionally distribute, rent or sell a User’s Personal Information to third parties without the User’s permission. Notwithstanding the foregoing, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may be required by law enforcement or judicial authorities to provide Users’ Personal Information to the appropriate governmental authorities. If QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, receives a request from law enforcement or judicial authorities, then it reserves the right to provide the requested information. In addition, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, reserves the right to release such information to law enforcement or other governmental officials as, in QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, sole and absolute discretion, it is deemed necessary to comply with the law.


QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, undertakes reasonable efforts to operate secure data networks which are protected by industry standard firewall and password protection systems. QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, undertakes reasonable efforts to review its security and privacy policies on a periodic basis and it may adjust and change the systems as necessary. Notwithstanding the above, and although QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC is ever diligent in its security pursuits, it cannot guarantee the success of its efforts.


It is QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC’s policy to not use or share the Personal Information about the Users of the Website and/or Mobile Application in ways which have not been outlined or described herein without first allowing its Users a chance to opt out or otherwise disallow such unrelated uses. However, QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, may disclose Personal Information about its Users or information relating to their Use of the Website and/or Mobile Application for any reason if, in its sole discretion, it determines that it is reasonable to do so, including:

9.1 To comply with laws, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, regulations or governmental or legal requests for such information;

9.2 To reveal information that is needed to identify, contact or bring legal action against any User who may be violating the Website and/or Mobile Application Terms of Use;

9.3 To operate the Website and/or Mobile Application properly;

9.4 To protect the Website and/or Mobile Application and its Users; and/or

9.5 To fully cooperate with law enforcement authorities, private-party litigants and others seeking information about its Users to the extent required by applicable law.


If a User would like to modify or delete any Personal Information previously entered on the Website and/or Mobile Application, User can update User’s information by contacting QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, by sending an email at WWW.QUICKSYLEARNING.COM and providing User’s current and updated information. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Registered User may be able to update Registered User’s Personal Information by changing his online profile through the Website and/or Mobile Application.


If Users have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact QUICKSY LEARNING ACADEMY LLC, by sending an email to WWW.QUICKSYLEARNING.COM.


The Terms of Use attached hereto and set forth on the Website and/or Mobile Application shall govern any claim relating to this Privacy Policy and will otherwise be deemed applicable to it.


Information about the Users of the Website and/or Mobile Application, which include the Users’ Personal Information, may be disclosed in association with certain business dealings such as any debt financing, acquisition or merger, sale of assets and in the event of a bankruptcy, assignment for benefit of creditors or receivership in which particular information could be sold or transferred to other parties as an asset. By using the Website or Mobile Application and/or entering his Personal Information, each User consent to the Website and/or Mobile Application’s use of his information as outlined in this Privacy Policy.